The need to have paperwork in order to legally get work, pay your taxes and generally function as part of the economy is a relatively recent issue. As little as a few decades back, this was not an ubiquitous need to function in society. One of the most common problems homeless people have is that they lose their ID and birth certificate. They can face significant barriers to getting new documentation. This becomes a substantial barrier to getting their life back. Some homeless people are like illegal aliens within their own country. They have no ID and this is a barrier to getting a job, accessing benefits they are due and generally connecting with society. In this Reddit discussion: How to get an I.D if you never got a birth certificate or S.S number? the OP says: It was a home birth and I was home schooled growing up. Parents never took me a to a doctor either during my childhood. There is a long comment by another Redditor that spells out how this can happen and how probl...